Take a moment…

If you’re like me, you’ve had a time where you feel the weight, the confusion, and the unknown of the moment starting to overcome your ability to deal with it. The tunnel vision of stress can limit my ability to even think. Remembering to breathe returns me to the moment with expanded awareness. This stretch helps me do that.

Coming back into your body is a great way to destress after dealing with the outer world all day. It’s also a great way to start your day- from an internal awareness of your body and the joy of being you.

Do let me know if you have trouble understanding the video and I will articulate more clearly. I’m open to any feedback that would help these videos be more helpful to you.

Before you start, take into account your particular situation. If you have a health condition that would be worsened by this stretch, don’t do it. (For example, if you’ve recently torn your sartorius- best wishes for speedy healing, C!- simply take some deep breaths in whatever position you find yourself now).
